Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Well, we did it. We finished the evil Melbourne off. Me and Ray finished Flinders Street Station. It looks great. Very proud of it. Everyone else did a good job as well. YAY WE ARE DONE!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Flinders coming along great!

Well ive finish the main wall with its textures. Ray finished(ish) the clock tower and i placed it above the second entrance. I created the second entrance and place ed Lil's death gates in there. It is coming along great. The front entrance needs more work though.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Flinders Continues

Well, I had to re-aline all objects so they are now sitting pretty perfect. I took forever. I change the bottem of the wall aswell.There are no textures on it yet, there will be when im happy with the wall. I alsop started the front but i havnt done that much. This is a pretty long job. I have to complete it anyhow.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The station continues

I decided to delete the walls and start a new. I am working on one wall now. When i finish it i can just copy and paste them next to each other, like in my screen shots. It is looking way better than before. And it will only get better.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The start of a new beginning

We have started to make our train station. Me, Joel, Ray and Leah are making it. I have started to do the out side; walls, stairs and a little of the roof. Its a working progress. I stuffed up at the start and started making it all over again. But now i know what I'm doing. Here are some picyures of what i have done so far. The colour is wrong and there will be way more to do, so when it is finished, it will be awesome.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Research -3-

Maglev Trains Of The Future

There is a new form of rail transportation that will revolutionise transportation of the 21st the
way that airplanes did in the 20th century. Maglev is short for 'Magnetic Levitation'. Japan and
Germany are both developing this technology. The basic idea is that these trains will levitate a distance above
the guide rails and travel at speeds of up to 500km/h. This will help to satisfy the demands of today's fast
paced society.

Electromagnetic Propulsion

The opposite poles of magnets attract each other and like ends repel, this is the simple principle behind electromagnetic propulsion. However electromagnets attract metal objects while charged with electricity, the pull is temporary and dependent on the charge. For a train to operate three major components must be present in the system: a powerful electrical power source, large guidance magnets attached to the underside of the train, a track lined with metal coils.

age courtesy of Railway Technical Institute

The magnetized coil running along the track, is called the guideway. This will repel the large magnets on the underside of the carriage, causing the train to hover above the track. The electric current supplied to the coils in the guideway is constantly alternating and uniquely pull and push the train along the guideway. The key advantage of the Maglev train is that it floats on a cushion of air, with virtually no friction. This allows the train to reach such high Image courtesy speeds!

Transrapid International are developing an electromagnetic suspension system (EMS). They have already demonstrated that it can reach 500Km/h with people on board. This speed can get a pasenger from Paris to Rome in 2 hours. The Swiss are considering a new 700km system. The developers of these trains will most likely be connecting major cities up to 1600km away from each other, linking the most busy routes and exploiting their niche by being the fastest mode of accessable transport. The development of such a high speed network has been stunted by the high investment required. The costs of producing the guideway at the moment still remains quite high at $10 million to $30million per mile. However this is not so outrageous in comparison with cost per mile highway of $20million to $30million. The trains could begin their first commuter services by 2004.

Research -2-

How cool are these trains that little kids came up with. Don't pretend there not cool.
And also some pictures of flinders street station.

Research -1-


There's something very unusual about these futuristic trains. They don't have any wheels! Instead, they float above the track. Maglev is short for magnetic levitation [mag-NET-ick lev-ee-TAY-shun] which means using magnets to make the train rise up from the track, and it means they can go faster. Some Maglevs have already been built in Germany and Japan, where trains have already run at an incredible 552kph (343 mph) on a test track. It is expected that Maglev trains will reach speeds of up to 800 kph (500 mph) by 2020.

Train experts are proposing an even more futuristic development of Maglevs. It is envisaged that these 'floating' trains would run through vacuum tubes. A vacuum is a space without any air in it. It would mean trains could go faster - up to 3,000 kph (1,684 mph). Not only is it super-fast, but it means it wouldn't take as much energy as other kinds of transport.

Vacuum tubes could be built all over the world - under the sea and across continents. A tube could be built under the Atlantic Ocean, and that would mean you could get from England to America in less than two hours (it takes 6 or 7 hours by plane). It would cost about £20 billion to build a tube like that.

Tony Roche, who is the president of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers said "Some might see this as a pie-in-the-sky idea, but a lot can happen in 50 years."

This was written by Robin Gray of the National Railway Museum.

My Tarin Station Ideas

- It would have to be run down and/or renovated.

- If run down the station would be crumbled and chunks missing. But would still be a standing building.

- If run down and renovated, it would have chunks missing, but new concert and wood in those places, maybe steam pipes and other pipes sticking out of everywhere and massive bolts and steal covering places.

- If new station, it can look similar, but futuristic, slick plastic and chrome everywhere.

- Trains move on beams of light. Trains move mega ultra fast.

- Train technology lost so the run on mist, because nobody knows how to make steam.

- Rocket Jet Trains

- Train tracks made out of beams of light

- Train tracks made out of same tracks

- Train tracks made out of magnets

- Trains float in tubes

- Trains stay stationary, but platforms move.

- No trains, teleporters instead. People line up in lines and walk through these teleporters that are about the size of telephone booths.

- Big Chrono Sphere. A generator that holds something similar to a sphere and energy waves are calculated and stored up giving a huge burst of energy to transfer matter (people) in so time and in so space. People would sit in chrono chambers and they are transferred from one chamber to another chamber at a different location.

- Station clock: sundial, analogue clock, digital clock.

- People float through tubes like in ‘Futurama’ from one platform at a station to another.

- Analogue trains

- The robotic squid transports people. Like a submarine. Train tracks are replaced with big canal channels which the robotic squids use for movement between stations.

Jacob the Rich Bum

Jacob was kicked out of home at the age of 17. Five years have passed since then and now he was the poorest bum living on the streets of Melbourne. Other bums where richer than him, heck, little babies where richer than him. He had minus money. His money problems where so bad he was below red, it was more like a black hole. He tried getting a job, no body wanted him. He tried busking with his guitar; the money he made went towards his dept to society. He died from starving, he went to heaven, and they didn’t want him. So he went to Hell. They didn’t want him either. So he came back alive, and at this point of the story, his life changed dramatically.

During his travels of the After Life he met a man. A man who was great at doing stuff. Jacob learnt all of the stuff the man knew, and was that knowledgeable of stuff, he figured out how to come back alive. It took him 1000 years, but he came back alive. After he came back to life he realised that the place he new had changed. A great war had broken out between Melbourne and Sydney and now the place has became war trashed and corrupt. The war has past now but tension still draws between Melbourne and Sydney.

Jacob was horrified of what had happen to his once lived street home. He decided to do something about it. With all his knowledge about stuff, and the 50 cents in his bank account that he forgot all about, had accumulated over the past 1000 years he was able to help rebuild the city. But most importantly he decided to build a real cool casino under the Yarra River. It is the richest place in Melbourne. He figured that everyone was a basted and never gave him money when he was a bum, so now he will take the money from them. Jacob still doesn’t have a home. He still lives on the streets. He doesn’t want the populace to know that he is rich, or he will be hunted down and killed for his money.

Six months later the head of the Vegans visited him from above. He thought it was some sort of angel that was sent from heaven. His memory triggered that he was rejected from heaven, and was a big jerk to this ‘angel’. The Vegan wanted to welcome him to their safe haven, called Vegan Land because of all the great work he had contributed to the city. But Jacob was convinced it was an angel from Heaven, and didn’t want to listen to what the vegan had to say. Plus he wasn’t into only eating light bulbs. He now seeks vengeance on Vegan Land thinking it is Heaven. With all the money rolling in from the casino and all the stuff he knows, he is now building a secret Ninja Army to help take over Vegan Land and be the new God. But to his unknowledgeable stuff that he lacks, he will find out that it is Vegan Land and not Heaven and he can never be God.

This concludes the story of the richest bum in Melbourne.

More pics!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Second Life Expectations

In our second life world we are intending on having the Flinders Street Station. I am apart of the team that is building it. We will make the station run down but futuristic. We could also use the channel 7 bulletin bored and the word screens at Fed Square to make random crape up to show the public in second life. We could also make a lot of writing in brail. I took some pictures of different textures around the city, we could use them because they are kind of already run down but we could make them how we want using photoshop. We also need buskers. Instead of analog or digital clocks, i thought we could make clocks sun sundial, because digital technology is lost. By making this a theme it could effect the whole city. We have to use candles for light and stuff like that. I would like to see a run down city of the future. Post apocalyptic. Where technology is lost and slowly bring re-invented. I don't want to see futurist stuff like in the cartoon Futurama. As a team we would have to replicate Flinders Street Stations, and Vic Uni. Everything else is pretty random crap i think.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Building and Attaching

This is Optimus Prim. He was bigger when i made him but i made it smaller so i can attach it to me. I tried but failed. I got it all on me and it worked but you could see my through the body of Optimus. Then we made guns. That wooden thing on my hand, thats my gun, but it shoots thoughs Nuke rockets i made. I left the place trashed with Nukes everywhere, but i deleted them.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Today we fight!

I have set up defensive structures to be ready for the retaliation. But first i must kill all, then they will attack me. Death to all! Na joking but hey, you can never be to careful. I made a twin barrel turret and a SAM site, the turret heads turn in circles.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

My House

My house, It's a very, very, very fine house. My house, In the middle of the street. It is two stories, it's got a balcony, and a ramp to get upstairs. Oh, and now my avatar is a 'Flare Wrathe'!

Me and my Avatar

I'm evil in real life, and even eviler in second life. No, I'm just joking. But seriously, I am.

There may be nothing similar between me and my avatar, (because I'm Ghost Rider) but there is fire in both pictures. We think the same though. GgggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrAAAAhhhhhhhhh!!!!
!No Prisoners No Survivors!

Friday, August 3, 2007

I just had an idea!

This is an idea i came up with. Nothing to flash but it would work. We could make some sort of theme park. With a Trampoline House, with tunnles going placesand stuff, roller coster, arcade, maze of mirrors, paint ball, some sort of quest / puzzel / maze thing and a really cool go-cart track.

We can make money this way and i like making money! Plus besides all this, we could hide like 10 totems around thwe whole park, so when people come in and have fun there is this little thing they can do. They will be spread out everywhere. If you find all 10 then you could have like a life time pass, or a cash prize, or half price off everything, or something. It would be some sort of promotional tool. These totems wont be easy to find though. You might have to win one for example through the arcade or getting a lap time in the go-carts.

Oh and the fly ability is disabled as well as guns unless your in the paint ball area.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Nuke Em

This is my Nuke. It can kill all. And this is a plane with my nukes attached to it. Now thats a plane!

Location 3

The K* Weapons
Likes: You can buy guns and buy killing games and play killing games. If you get a high score it pays out. i got $110! Fun!
Dislikes: Good realistic guns are too expensive.
Come Back: Probably not. Maybe if i have money and want some cool guns.

Location 2

2. Aiot's Toon Wonderland
Like: Very colourful and You can find all these 'secret' like places by going through walls.
There is also a night club there. Might be fun, but no-ones there this time of day.
Dislikes: There isn't very much to do there.
Come Back: If i wanted to see what the night clubs like.

Location 1

1. G-AXIS - Cart Race - Cars - Helicopters - Boats - Racetracks
Likes: Fun to drive around the tracks and you get lap times. They also have kick ass cars, motorbikes etc.... you can buy in the show room. You can even test out some of the cars at the bottom.
Dislikes: The cars are too expensive, and the tracks pretty short.
Come Back: If i was bored and wanted to race.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Can we build it, Yes we can!

We learned to build stuff yay. Fun. Here is My tank. Well it is my Rock tank for my Rock man. And then i made it a tank robot. It was great. I had to link it into like 12ish parts. buts its still cool.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

First Class

Interactive storytelling is better than i thought. I thought we would have to do the whole making characters and stories. Basically a ton of writing. its what we did last year and it was kinda crap. this second life thing is so much better than writing. IM BUMBLEBEE!!!!